Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Little Introduction

Some precursors to help explain what this blog is all about: 1. Yes I created it in 2005, but have made no posts until now - three years later - which I attribute to life and my innate procrastination; 2. A 'Gyroball' by definition (according to Wikipedia) is "a type of baseball pitch used primarily by players in Japan" (falsely, but most notably attributed to Red Sox ace Daisuke Matsuzaka) and one that creates a "bullet-like spin" on the ball, similar to how a football is thrown, which hides the seams of the ball, making it nearly impossible for the batter to predict the pitch. However like most things, the Gyroball is more myth than reality; being more a modification of the fastball, a la the slider, than a new species; 3. Much of how we enjoy sports centers around just such a mythologizing of teams and players over the years, that has far more to do with what we bring to the sport, than the often urbane realities of it - this is essentially what Gyroball aims to explore.